What is your project?

The Saverina Scozzari Collective

What made you take the leap into your project?


I am passionate about all things entertainment and have been since I was 2 years-old. I decided that it was time to create a platform to connect with fellow entertainment news junkies, gym rats, coffee addicts and shopaholics.

Can you outline a basic timeline of how you got to where you are now?

I started a YouTube show back in 2011 called The Saverina Show where I interviewed dancers and choreographers (fun fact – I danced for 11 years). Then, I pitched the show idea to Cable 14 which led to hosting several other programs on their station including Teen Talk, Hammer Happenings, Hamilton Life Lites and What’s Happening Hamilton. At some point during that time I created saverinascozzari.com which is now The Saverina Scozzari Collective, my entertainment blog.


Any final thoughts to others who are interested in pursuing their project?

Say yes to everything and say hello to everyone you come across because you never know what and/or who will help you get your big break.

Where can people learn more about your project?


@SaverinaTV (Instagram/Twitter)


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