Meet my travel inspiration!

Gosia and I met in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. From the moment I met her, I knew she had a lot to teach me. She shared stories of traveling, hitchhiking alone, adventuring with strangers, and visiting incredible places. Gosia is someone who is ALWAYS exploring and I am...
I’ve passed up 2 free trips… #WHY!?

I’ve passed up 2 free trips… #WHY!?

Earlier this year, a friend won a free trip to Mexico and couldn’t find anyone to go with her. We were back and forth making plans and they fell through. In January, I was in the middle of a big project at my day-job and I couldn’t take time off. Passing...
Women who travel feature: Jenna L #travellife

Women who travel feature: Jenna L #travellife

Jenna and I met in Hamilton. Two adventurous souls that crossed paths. Following her adventures is always inspiring and I am so happy to share her story. Name: Jenna What city do you call home? Burlington, Ontario What was a defining situation that made you decide to...
We met in Vancouver- Featured Traveler John Nicoll

We met in Vancouver- Featured Traveler John Nicoll

In 2012, I moved to Vancouver and lived there for 6 months. I took time off school and realized that I could make my own path and schedule. I didn’t need to stick to a standard time-frame and this was a defining moment that encouraged me to continue to travel. I...
Home ownership and traveling

Home ownership and traveling

It’s no secret that I LOVE to travel. I love meeting new people, seeing cool things, flying, seeing mountains and landscapes from above, and exploring. One of my biggest fears about buying the house was that I wouldn’t have time or money to travel. I...
We met in Belize: Featured Traveler- Leah Gaskin

We met in Belize: Featured Traveler- Leah Gaskin

In 2014, I backpacked around Mexico and popped into Belize for a short minute. I was in Cancun and took a sketchy old school bus for less than $10 to Belize, there I met Leah.   Belize is such an anomaly in Latin America. The first language is English and the...
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